Your license can be managed by logging into your account at Once logged in, you’ll be able to copy the plaintext key, revoke and regenerate the key, or revoke the key for individual domains.
Connected & Active Sites
All domains that are actively using your license key will be listed on your account dashboard under Connected & Active Sites.
You can revoke the license for any active site by clicking the “Deactivate Site” button below it. This will remove any pending jobs and prevent new jobs from being created.
Managing Your License Key
Your license key can be managed in your RapidLoad account by clicking the License tab or navigating directly to
Revoke & Regenerate
To reset your license key, click the “Revoke & Regenerate” button on the License tab of your account.
WARNING: Using this feature will disconnect ALL active domains from your account. The new license key will need to be added to any existing RapidLoad installations in order to resume service.