Manage Your Subscription
To manage your RapidLoad subscription, click the “Manage Subscription” button on your account dashboard or visit directly.
Cancel Your Subscription
You are solely responsible for properly canceling your account. An email or contact message request to cancel your account is not considered cancellation. You can cancel your account at any time by clicking on the Cancel Subscription button on the subscription management screen.
If you cancel your subscription before the end of your current paid billing period, your cancellation will take effect immediately, and you will not be charged again.
The content of your account - i.e. RapidLoad generated CSS files - will still be available for you to access on your web server after cancellation.
For monthly payment plans, the Service is billed in advance on a monthly basis. For annual payment plans, the Service is billed in advance on an annual basis.
For any upgrade or downgrade in subscription while on a billing cycle, the active payment method on your account will automatically be charged at the new rate on your next billing cycle. Downgraded accounts will receive a credit balance that is applied to future subscription payments.
Full refunds are issued only for subscriptions that are cancelled within 14 days after being created. No other refunds are given. No refunds for trialing subscriptions. No refunds or credits for partial months of service, or for months unused with an open account.
When an inactive subscription is resumed, we immediately charge you the subscription fee.
Please contact Support to request a refund.