While RapidLoad queues jobs automatically by default, there are a number of tools and features available to users who need more granular control of page optimization.
Job Queue Actions
Add Bulk or Individual Job
Click the +ADD button at the top of the table to open the box which allows you to select the method of adding a URL to optimize.
Adding one URL.
If there is one specific URL to be optimized then choosing "URL" is the best option. This option will come in handy if there are multiple selected URLs to be optimized at once.
Adding Posts.
By selecting "Posts" you could add all the posts in your site at once to optimize.
Adding Pages.
By selecting "Pages" all the pages in the site will be added to optimization tab.
Adding Products.
If there are significant amount of Product pages in your site then using "Product" is the best option as it will add all the product pages to be optimized at once.
Add URLs using Sitemap.
You could simply provide your sitemap.xml where RapidLoad will automatically add all the Posts, Pages, and products to the optimization tab at once.
Remove One or More Jobs
To remove a single job, select Remove from the job’s context menu. To remove all jobs, select Remove All from the primary context menu. Removing a job in progress will cancel that optimization. Removing a completed job will remove the RapidLoad optimized CSS file(s) for that page.
Remove One or More Jobs
To remove a single job, select Remove from the job’s context menu. To remove all jobs, select Remove All from the primary context menu. Removing a job in progress will cancel that optimization. Removing a completed job will remove the RapidLoad optimized CSS file(s) for that page.
RapidLoad automatically adds pages to the queue as they’re accessed unless the Disable Auto Queue setting is enabled. If you only need to keep certain pages out of the queue, use the Exclude URLs option to exclude their paths.
Requeuing Jobs
Requeue Multiple Jobs
The following bulk requeue options are available in the primary context menu:
- Requeue All
- Requeue Warnings
- Requeue Processing
- Requeue Failures
Requeue a Single Job
A single job can be requeued by clicking the refresh button on that job's row.
Other Queue Settings
Set Queue Speed
By default, RapidLoad will queue 4 available jobs every 10 minutes. Queue speed can increased or decreased. The following intervals are available:
1, 2, 4, or 8 jobs every...
- 1 minute
- 5 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 20 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
16 jobs every...
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
Disable Auto Queue
If you prefer to manually add pages to the job queue yourself, check the box next to Disable Auto Queue in the Advanced Settings. New jobs will need to be added via the +ADD button at the top.