Can I use RapidLoad on client sites?
Yes, you can use RapidLoad on your client sites. You get to pick and choose which sites your license is applied to.
Why does my URLs throw warnings?
Warnings are issued on jobs which successfully queried the API, but are unoptimized or partially optimized due to issues with the files RapidLoad found. For further details and troubleshooting solutions feel free to follow the link to the article on Optimization warnings
How do I update or change my profile information
You could update it by yourself, Follow this article link on Updating profile information to know further details.
Job status shows as success but page speed test shows "Reduce Unused CSS" tag
This warning will be visible if there is cache availability so clear cache and run a GPSI test on RapidLoad. To further optimizations follow the articles on Cache management and Individual Job Actions
I am able to see Site layout breaks after RapidLoad optimizations
You could add sitewide safelist rules to resolve layout breaks, For further details follow the article on Sitewide Safelist and Blocklist rules.
I haven't still received my login credentials after purchasing.
It may take maximum of one hour to receive the initial login credentials, Also you could use the link to reset the password. If you did not receive the email with in the mentioned time feel free to reach us.
RapidLoad increased my sites resources usage.
If a site has 500+ URLs RapidLoad team recommends using “Rule-Based Injection” method, Using Rule-Based injection will reduce the usage of site resources by reducing the number of jobs. For further details click the article link on Rule Based injection method. If you need clarifications regarding this feel free to reach RapidLoad support team.
Why do I have the 403 error ?
The 403 forbidden error message will be visible in URL/s when the mouse pointer is hovered on top of File size reduction. The main cause for this warning is IF you are using "Superbot fight mode" in Cloudflare or any other firewall security services, So disabling it will help to resolve this error. For further details and troubleshooting solutions feel free to follow the link to the article on Optimization warnings
Why is my job status stuck in queue?
This is caused due to WP-Cron in the site is not working as expected. To get further details and troubleshooting solutions on this feel free to follow this link on Job status stuck in queue
RapidLoad optimized CSS files not shown in Frontend?
RapidLoad optimized CSS files may not be visible in the site frontend which is because the option "Load Original CSS" in RapidLoad advanced settings being enabled. What this option does is it will load all the original CSS file as it were before optimizing in order to resolve any visible site breaks and improve user experience. But this will not have any negative impact towards the Page speed scores.
Do you offer support if I need it?
Yes, our team is standing by to assist you! Submit a support ticket any time from the Support tab in the plugin and we’ll be happy to help.